I seem to be pretty terrible at posting things with any respectable frequency, so I've decided to force myself to post a monthly musac compilation. I do enjoy the music and am always excited to discover new, quality tracks. I usually discover quite a few in any given month, but only a handful of those are worthy of outright music-pushing via individual emails. So, instead of continuously failing to both post new material on the blorg and spread new tunes among friends, I will hereby commence morklemix. Not necessarily ear-crushingly good tunes, but solid tracks none-the-less. I hope someone enjoys it...
The Books - That Right Ain't Shit
Headlights- TV
Malajube- Le Crabe
Magic Bullets- Heatstroke
Metric- Too Little Too Late
Oh No! Oh My!- Our Mouths Were Wet
Animal Collective- Winder Wonder Land
The Comas- Red Microphones
Sea Wolf- Black Dirt
I Am Kloot- Untitled No.