Since when does making a post to your blog qualify as being productive?! Stayed away from alcohol and bars for the evening in order to be "productive." So far, that's meant: watch the wire and make a long awaited (and much anticipated) blog post.
Had a shiny post prepared about a month ago, featuring all the top albums of 07 and why I was so dreamy-eyed about them. Somehow it got whisked away by the internet gods. Bunk.
Back to the music! The modern man must hustle!
01: Phoenix - One Time Too Many
02: Pharoahe Monch - Welcome To The Terrordome
03: Mice Parade - Snow
04: St. Vincent - Paris Is Burning
05: MGMG - Kids
06: I'm From Barcelona - Ola Kala
07: Tapes 'n Tapes - Hang Them All
08: Alaska In Winter - Close Your Eyes
09: Benoit Pioulard - Patter
10: Guillemots - Annie, Let's Not Want
11: Minipop - Like I Do
Should have just stuck to the wire, eh?
No but wait! Here, I gotta explain a little something about the creation of these damn mixes. I start out with a long list of songs, selected whilst i'm doing my perpetual rawking out thing that I do. From time to time I go back to that list and re-listen to all the tracks. Sometimes I'm totally clueless about what in gods name I was thinking ever putting the song on the list in the first place, but other times I find that there is a reason. Doesn't necessarily have to be a GOOD reason, but I shoot for a nice variety of trax and some sort of repeat-playability kinda thing.